Sunday, December 29, 2019

Symbolism and Theme in William Faulkners A Rose for...

Symbolism and Theme in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily In William Faulkners short story A Rose for Emily, a series of interconnected events collectively represent a single theme in the story. Symbolism is the integral factor involved in understanding the theme. A Rose for Emilys dominant theme is the search for love and security, a basic human need which can be met unfavorably in equivocal environments. Faulkners use of symbolism profoundly develops the theme of the story, bringing to light the issues of morality that arise from a young womans struggle to find love. Faulkner provides the necessary pieces of symbolism, speckled through out the action of the story, for the reader to assimilate and assemble.†¦show more content†¦The hidden watch seems to suggest that Emily has a need to hide the effects of time, and a stronger one to control it. Time has taken all the things she has longed for in life. Things she can no longer recover in a reality based environment, become the subject of the fantastic inner workings of her altered state of mind. When her father dies, she gains the ultimate control in determining her destiny, and Emily is now given a freedom never before experienced under her fathers guidance. Her fathers strict hand in stifling her natural instincts leads to a dangerous form of complacency for Emily later in life. There stands an image of the narrators, of Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background...her the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the backflung front door (278), which conjures up a perverse metaphorical portrait of the two. The father with so much power over the life of his daughter, tends only to his own selfish motivations by chasing away any hope Emily might have at happiness. The two of them, father and daughter, trapped in the frame of that house that would lead to the ultimate downfall of the Grierson name. Two years after the death of her father, the committee had paid Emily a visit regarding her taxes. A few months after that visit the town noticed that Homer Barron had disappeared.Show MoreRelated The Central Theme and Symbolism of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily1902 Words   |à ‚  8 Pages William Faulkners central theme in the story A Rose For Emily is to let go of the past. The main character in the story, Emily Grierson, has a tendency to cling to the past and has a reluctance to be independent. Faulkner uses symbols throughout the story to cloak an almost allegorical correlation to the reconstruction period of the South. Even these symbols are open to interpretation; they are the heart and soul of the story. With the literal meaning of Faulkners story implies many differentRead MoreEssay on William Faulkners A Rose for Emily1539 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Faulkners A Rose for Emily As any reader can see, A Rose for Emily is one of the most authentic short stories by Faulkner. His use of characterization, narration, foreshadowing, and symbolism are four key factors to why Faulkners work is idealistic to all readers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The works of William Faulkner have had positive effects on readers throughout his career. Local legends and gossip trigger the main focus of his stories. Considering that Faulkner grew up in Mississippi, he wasRead MoreA Rose For Emily Literary Analysis875 Words   |  4 PagesAdopting new ideas allows for both the individual and society to progress. William Faulkner packs the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily† with different types of literary devices that describes the fight against change in the post-U.S. Civil War South. 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This is because townspeople in Jefferson holds Miss Emily in such high regards. To them, she symbolizes the customs of the old south, or what the town Jefferson once was. For Emily and also for the townspeople time is relative, the past is an ever-present realm in Jefferson. For this reason people wish to respect Emily and preserve her customs; even if it means intruding into her personal life, or turning the cheek towardsRead MoreAnalysis of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay1187 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, William Faulkner uses symbolism, imagery, simile and tone. Faulkner uses these elements to lead his characters to an epiphany of letting go of out-dated traditions and customs. The resistance to change and loneliness are prominent themes within â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Faulkner uses â€Å"A Rose for Emily† to caution his readers that things are not always what they appear to be. 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A Rose For Emily depicts the motionless d ecay of a woman stuck in time, as her concept of reality is lost. Throughout the story Faulkner characterizes Emily and the atmosphere around her as addled and withered. In the short story, A Rose For Emily, by William Faulkner, a woman is ultimately overcome byRead MoreEssay A Rose for Emily: Literary Analysis 2990 Words   |  4 PagesENG 102 Analysis Research Paper 09-25-10 Literary Analysis William Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily† carries a theme represented by a dying breed of that era, while using symbolism to represent tragedy, loneliness and some form of pride, the story also shows how far one will go to have the approval of others and the pursuit of happiness. In today’s times, a person’s image could mean everything in life and almost everyone tries to fit into the main stream in some form at some point

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mental Health Of African American Male Populations Essay

A survey was conducted by Sherrill L. Sellers (Miami University of Ohio), Harold W. Neighbors, (University of Michigan), and Vence L. Bonham (Michigan State University) in order to address the interaction between goal-oriented stress and overall well being in 399 college-educated African American associated with a historically black national fraternal organization all over the world. Mental health of African American male populations is poorly understood due to unique social, racial, and psychological variables. Although many black men deem success possible, a great number identify resistance to success in the form of prejudice, discrimination, and minimal opportunities in comparison with their white counterpart. Due to this background, the researchers attempted to answer the seemingly dichotomous interaction between stress and mental health in this population. They hypothesized that â€Å"goal-striving stress would be inversely related to mental health and that striving-related cop ing strategies, such as racial attribution and John Henryism, would moderate the relationship between goal-striving stress and mental health† (514) Furthermore, the researchers hypothesized â€Å"interactions between goal-striving stress and two coping resources—racial attribution and John Henryism† (514). Finally, a third hypothesis is that the active coping style called John Henryism should act as a buffer when it comes to goal-striving stress (514). It is important to note that the sample populationShow MoreRelatedMental Health Crisis in the African American Community Essay1732 Words   |  7 PagesMental illness is an increasing problem in America. Currently about 26.2% of Americans suffer from a mental disorder. A mental illness/disorder is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, and ability to relate to others and daily functions. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Importance of Logistics in Providing Free Essays

Logistics involves controlling and managing the movement of goods and services, information and products from the point where they are produced up to the market place.   In other words, it deals with the information and physical flows of the raw materials to the final distribution of finished products.   Logistics also involves the management of information and storage of materials, parts of the finished goods in the chains of supply, through procurement stages, work-in-progress to the final distribution. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Logistics in Providing or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to cooper (1994), the goal of logistics is to maximize future and current profitability in order to acquire customer satisfaction and also satisfying their orders through the cost effective analysis (Rushton, Oxley Croucher, 2000). Customer service and Logistics Majority of today’s companies consider customer service as a very crucial phenomenon in their businesses.   In the past customer service was mainly based on the needs of the customer without taking in consideration what real requirements or even the perceptions of these customers.   It is therefore necessary to comprehend the customer requirements and service will always differ not only between industries and companies but also between the market segments that a business might seem to have (Rushton, Oxley Croucher, 2000). Complexity of the provision of customer service is also another important requirement that needs to be noted and understood clearly.   This is because customer service links the processes of logistics and distribution and many influences relevant to customer service may evolve within these processes; such as the range from ease of ordering stock that is available to the reliability of delivery. It is also important to balance the cost of provision with the level of service provided.   High costs of providing customer service that is even greater than what a customer actually requires has resulted in the downfall of many service offerings in companies. Therefore, the key to attaining quality and successful customer service policy is through the development of appropriate policies and objectives which involves liaison with these customers.   It is also important to monitor, control and measure all the set up procedures (Rushton, Oxley Croucher, 2000). The components of the logistics customer service may be identified as a transaction –related elements with emphasis being placed on specific service that is provided for instance on time delivery.   It may also be viewed as functional attributes related to the entire aspects consisting of the order fulfillment such as taking of orders. In order to reflect the timing and nature of particular service requirements transaction elements are usually put into three categories: Pre-transaction elements, transaction elements and post-transaction elements. Pre-transaction elements consist of customer service factors brought about as a result of the actual transaction that takes place. They involve: accessibility of order personnel, method of ordering, system flexibility, written customer service policy single order contact point, transaction elements organizational structure and order size constraints. Transaction elements on the other hand are the elements that are related to those other elements mostly concerned with logistics and distribution.   These elements include: delivery of complete order, delivery time, order preparation, delivery reliability, order cycle time, availability of inventory, condition of goods, order status information and delivery alternatives. The post-transaction elements consist of those elements that arise after the process of delivery has been fulfilled.   These elements include: call-out time, returns policy, availability of spares, product tracing, involving procedures, customer complaints and procedures, claims procedures and involving accuracy. Another classification of customer service elements is that one of multifunctional dimensions.   This classification has the objective of assessing the various components of customer service available across a range of the whole functions of the company so as to strive to gain a seamless service provision.   For instance, time is made up of a single requirement which covers the whole range of span from the placement of order to the delivery of the order – the order cycle. This approach has the impact of enabling the delivery of some very relevant measures of logistics.   The multifunctional dimensions include: dependability which means the guaranteed accurate and fixed delivery time, flexibility which is the logistics customer services ability to identify and respond to the changing needs of customers’ time that is usually order cycle time and communication which helps in the easy of order taking processes (Rushton, Oxley Croucher, 2000). There elements of customer service differ and their significance will also vary according to the company, concerned market and the product.   Therefore, it is important that a customer service policy exists which will help in the undertaking of the various segments of the market that exists. The customer service policy also involve the awareness of the needs of customers or those of the segmentation; identification of clearly defined quantifiable standards available for customer service, understanding any trade – off that may exist between the levels of customer service and that of the costs, measuring the service that is provided and lastly liaison with customers so as to enhance an appreciated and understanding of the provided service (Rushton, Oxley Croucher, 2000). How logistics customer service affect a company’s sales and customer loyalty Customer service involves ways in which an organization deals with its customers and it is mostly seen in sales and after-sale service.   Customer service in logistics should also include all the processes that are involved in the value chain.   To acquire customer focus, there is need to obtain a good customer service.   Poor customer relations on the other hand are as a result of the availability of poor customer service (Peck Christopher, 2003). Increasing levels of competitive pressure and difficulty with the aim of maintaining and increasing profitability is what most of today’s companies face.   The management of these companies are being faced with the challenges of innovating and seeking strategies that could help in the advancement of the competitive advantage and profitability of their awareness of the significance of logistics in their organizations hence the need for a specialist. Logistics customer service plays a very crucial role in the overall outcome of a company’s sales and customer loyalty.   The outcome could be negative or positive depending on the quality of the customer service that is being provided by an organization.   Poor customer service in logistics could result in poor customer loyal.   The poor services include high costs, poor delivery time, and poor goods that the company could be offering, lack of enough inventory among other things.   This not only affects customer relations and loyalty but also the sales of the company (Peck Christopher, 2003). The earlier on discussed elements of logistics customer service play a very crucial role to the buyers of the products in the company.   Lack of adherence to these elements by an organization often leads to the fall in the overall company’s sales and customer loyalty.   Profitability of the firm depends on how a company handles carriers out these elements. An organization is bound to gain loyalty from its customers when it strives to strengthen the relationship between them as this will enhance the company’s sales hence profitability is increased.   This relationship involves good communication and honesty from the logistics customer care service loyalty can only be enhanced through good customer service provision.   Customer loyalty is bound to deteriorate if they are offered with poor services or the company’s sales are such that they are too high as compared to their expectations of the goods and services that a company provides (Peck Christopher, 2003). Customer service plays a vital role in logistics hence its major concern.   The level and quality of logistic customer service provided will directly impact on the company’s cost and implication, its profitability and the market share.   Poor logistic customer service will result in the company’s lose of customer hence losing their loyalty as well.   The end result therefore means that the company will have to incur high costs in trying to shape its image and also in the recruitment of other personnel. The company has also got to strive in order to increase its market share.   On the other hand effective logistic customer care will result in the improved market share, profitability and low cost incurred by an organization (Peck Christopher, 2003). Customer service in logistics and be viewed as an activity which means what a company actually provides for its customer service department that mostly handles special orders, billing, complaints among other things.   Similarly the provision of customer service can also be viewed as a measure of a company’s performance.   For instance if a company can deliver completed orders at least 24 hours of the receipt and 95% on time, this means that this company provides good customer service. It is therefore, important that the logistics customer service provides quality service in the manner in which they handle customer’s complaints, handling their orders and the speed of delivery.   This will have a positive impact on the company’s sale and customer loyalty (Gourdin, 2006). In addition, if the logistics customer service system is managed in a way that it can provide the customers the level and standard of services that they require, this will   result into customer satisfaction hence accompany is able to reap maximum benefits and at the same time retain the loyalty of its customers. Another factor that determines how logistic customer service impacts on company’s sales and customer loyalty is honesty.   Honesty means that an organization should be able to fulfill its promises to its customers.   If a company pledges more than what it can guarantee, it means that the customers will get dissatisfied.   This as a result, will lead to the fall of the number of customers that a company has hence, losing the customer’s loyalty and this eventually leads to a fall in the company’s sales.   It is therefore important that manager do not overstate the services they intend to offer their customers (Gourdin, 2006) To conclude, in today’s market, competition is stiff and customers are more demanding with regards to goods and services that are offered by companies.   The expectations concerning service provisions and this therefore calls for the understanding of what is valued by the customers and also a company needs to focus on the processes so that this value is delivery consistently. References Gourdin, K., (2006) Glogal Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the 21st Century. Blackwell Publishing, ISBN 1405127139. Peak, H. Christopher, M. (2003) Marketing Logistics. Elsevier. ISBN 0750652241. Rushton, A., Oxley, J., Croucher, P., (2000).   The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Manage.   Kogan Page. ISBN 0749433655. How to cite The Importance of Logistics in Providing, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Market Conceptual Methodological Foundation -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Market Conceptual Methodological Foundation? Answer: Introduction The discussion of the following paper is to get a proper picture of the marketing strategies of the ebikes in the modern context. The ebikes or the electric bikes have become a sensation in the contemporary era. This is why all the motor vehicle manufacturing companies are eyeing the production of the ebikes positively (Fyhri Fearnley, 2015). It can be said that the modern era is the age of technology. This is why the young generation is inclined towards the use of the electric bikes indeed. Some significant advantages of using the ebikes have been seen as well. Reef Bikes Reef Bikes is considered to be one of the most important electric bikes manufacturers in Australia (, 2018). They are one of the most important and leading manufacturers of the electric bicycles in the country. The organization was set up in the year 2005. They have been serving the customers ever since and providing them with the best products for their use for various purposes (, 2018). They have pioneered the invisiTRON technology that has catered to the needs of the many customers indeed. Their products have served the best for the customers in various areas. They have developed the designs of the Road Bikes, Folded Electric Bikes and Tricycles Prodeco Tech Prodeco Tech is one of the leading manufacturers of the ebikes in USA. They have been successful in gaining the ebikes market in the country for a long time now (, 2018). The organization was set up in the year 2007. Market Opportunities It is essential for both the companies to adopt some strategies by which they can do their marketing. As their aim to gain the competitive advantage over their rivals in the country and expand in the foreign countries as well, they will look to capture the European market mainly to grab the customers of that continent (Berthon et al., 2012). They are looking to grab the markets of some parts of Europe like Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and some other countries. It is a common fact that this product is a complete durable product indeed. This will be helpful for all the customers as it will run for a longer time. The introduction of this product will be helpful for all the customers indeed (Berthon et al., 2012). Market segmentation Both the companies of Reef Bikes and Prodeco Tech will be eyeing to set their target markets in a way that all groups of people irrespective of their age and financial background will be able to take the benefit of using the e-bikes. The target groups of the companies can be divided according to the psychographic, geographic and demographic segments (Wedel Kamakura, 2012). The companies should put the more priority on the rural areas where electricity is very much costly. The company can provide the customers the ebikes at low cost to gain more customers. They can provide the ebikes in installments. In terms of demographic segmentation, the target age group will be 18 to 65. In terms of geographic segmentation, developed countries will be targeted in the initial stages followed by the developing countries. Regarding the psychographic segmentation, customers inclined towards fitness regime along with sustainable development will be targeted. Market diversification This product should be developed in a cost-effective manner so that everyone can purchase it (Baker, 2014) If they keep the prices down, the customers from all the financial backgrounds will be able to buy it. Positioning and market fit requirements Target customers The target customers for both the companies are broad and extensive. Target customers are segmented across different income groups and age groups. Customers from the bottom of the pyramid are looking for the cheaper alternative for transportation and customers from the top of the pyramid are looking for fitness alternative and sustainable development (Loveridge Mok 2012). Moreover, customers are also geographically targeted, which helps both the companies to have their more full market reach in different locations. Marketing mix The free electricity bikes are very much environment-friendly and customer friendly as well (Prist et al., 2016). The product is very much cost effective (Gordon, 2012). Price The price of the products should be kept between AUD 1400 to AUD 2000. The companies can offer various financial schemes for the customers like several business schemes (Gordon, 2012). They should provide the vehicles at low EMI rates. Promotion Social media marketing will be beneficial for both the organizations. This is due to the reason that, social media marketing will help in effectively determining the market tren and requirement along with generating positive word of mouth (Moshrefjavadi et al., 2012). Celebrity endorsements will be the other useful promotional tools. It will help in reach out to more number of customers leveraging the star power (Gordon, 2012). Apart from the social media, TVC and print media can also be initiated due to their higher market penetration. They should encourage the use of the con friendly energy like tidal power and solar energy (Gordon, 2012). Place The companies should sell the ebikes from several outlets across the country (Khan, 2014). The regional outlets should be opened by the companies to sell the products to support the brand extension methods. Consumption and purchasing patterns The primary target audience of the ebikes should be the young people as they are very fond of making the adventures (Wedel Kamakura, 2012). The young boys should be their chief target market. The income levels of the target market should be the people from the lower and middle-income levels. Thus all the people should be able to afford these products of electricity free ebikes. The technological facilities like several electronic gadgets within the target countries should be utilized by all the companies effectively (Wedel Kamakura, 2012). The young people and young boys mean the age group from 18 to 30 years of age. Cross national segments The trans-national segments meaning the market segments that are spread across all over the world. These are opposite to the cross-national segments will have to be found out through a proper survey indeed. The customers will have to be divided according to their nationalities. Thus the companies will be able to provide the best services according to the demands of the customers (Hassan Craft, 2012). As the German and French people are very fond of stylish products, they will provide the ebikes with style. The British people prefer elegance so the ebikes supplied to these companies will be full of elegant looks. The other countries they can focus on are Germany, Belgium and Netherlands. Universal segmentation The universal target segmentation for the ebikes will focus on the improvement of the rural areas of the target countries. Ebikes are very important and beneficial for the economically backward people since those bikes will cater to get all the household materials (Hassan Craft, 2012). There are some specific purposes for the diverse people from diverse financial backgrounds. The rural people who do not have the necessary electricity facilities can use the free electricity bikes properly indeed. The people from the higher economic backgrounds can opt for those ebikes for the fitness issues. Customer value proposition Determination of the customer value proposition involves a few steps. The first step is the analyzing the need of the customers and the value being offered. It is vital for both the organizations to identify the gap between the requirements of the customers and value of the products being offered. The next step is to design the value proposition by the change in the market requirements to efficiently fulfil the customer expectations. The next step involves the adaption of the stated value proposition in the organizational culture of the company. The organizational strategy and culture should be integrated in such way that it can adapt to the frequent change in the market scenario. The next step involves both the organizations implementing efficient and proper communication channels to communicate the value propositions to the customers. Social media market will be beneficial in this step. The last level is the review. It is essential due to the reason that it will help in identifying the issues with the current propositions and rectify those accordingly. User experience The user experience is a precious thing in the sales quantity for the ebikes that the two companies sell (Fyhri Fearnley, 2015). The users or the customers bear a good impression on the products. They can show it off to their neighbours as well. If they are satisfied with the quality of the products, they might recommend it to their friends as well. Thus the sales will increase (Fyhri Fearnley, 2015). Global consumer culture positioning The global customers will want the better branding of the ebikes from both the companies. Reef Bikes will try to provide the best quality products for the global consumers. They would be able to offer the online services for the global customers. They can opt for free shipping of the products (Hassan Craft, 2012). Local consumer culture positioning The local customers will have to be provided the best services indeed. The local customers can buy the products from different outlets of the companies. In this context, the companies will deliver the products to the customers within a proper time. Thus the brand value of the companies will undoubtedly increase (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Market entry The continent of Europe has always been full of technological innovations around the globe (Schuster Holtbrgge, 2012). This is why they have aimed for the European countries. It is recommended that joint venture should be initiated by both the companies. This is due to the reason that, initiation of the joint venture will help in reducing the risk of entering in foreign countries along with the reducing the rate of investment in the foreign countries. A joint venture will help these companies in forming strategic alliances with any domestic partners in the host country. This will assist them in efficiently determining the local market requirements and offering the products accordingly. Also, presence of the local partners also reduces the number of investments. Brand Positioning These e-bikes will be positioned as a cheaper and pollution free mode of transport over the conventional ones (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Though, the initial cost of the e-bikes will be higher compared to the traditional mode of transports. However, the operating cost will be much lower along with having smaller or zero emission. These will be positioned as more sustainable options over others available substitutes (Schuster Holtbrgge, 2012). The key selling propositions for these e-bikes will be the environment friendliness and zero emission. In the current scenario, these propositions will be more efficient due to the recent issue of environmental degradation. The different market strategy theories can be helped by the Conclusion This paper can be concluded by saying ebikes is one of the most prolific innovations in the modern era. The customers have become the frenzy of possessing the ebikes. The target market of the ebikes manufacturing countries is the young generation. This is why the companies are keen on providing the customers with the best ebikes products. They are very conscious of meeting the requirements of the customers properly. These are the reasons the companies are focusing on making the ebikes become a common thing in every house, References Allen, G., Dar, A. (2013). Foreign direct investment. House of Commons Library Standard Note SN/EP/1828. www. parliament. uk/briefing-papers/sn01828. pdf (accessed July 4, 2013). Baker, M. J. (2014). Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Apple Computer, Inc. Maintaining the Music Business

Introduction Apple Computers Inc. was incorporated in early 1977. Its primary business was the manufacture of personal computers. Apple’s primary target was to make privet individuals to own a computer. This strategy has changed over the years. It has incorporated other devices into its production line (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). Over the years, Apple’s innovations have revolutionized the smart devices market.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company was reluctant to venture into the mobile phone market at first. Steve Jobs once said that Apple would not manufacture a phone. His reason was the company’s incapacity to control what went into the device (Meyer, 2010). A few years later, Apple produced the iPhone. The iPhone is just one of Apple’s leading products. ITunes allows subscribers to dow nload music and movies at a fee. This innovation fundamentally changed music distribution worldwide. The company does not earn substantial amounts from this service. Apple capitalizes on its influence on other products instead. It significantly increases iPod’s sales as many customers use it to store their music and movies (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). The iPod is Apples cash cow, generating up to 40% of its revenues (Meyer, 2010). Apple’s iPhone combines mobile phone and iPod features. The company operates in a highly competitive industry, competing directly with cell phones, computers, digital content and consumer electronics. Apple combines innovation and smart marketing strategies to maintain its competitive advantage (Meyer, 2010). Strategic challenges facing Apple Computer Apple Computer keeps a tight control over the quality of its products (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). This has assured its customers of high quality products and services from the company. Keeping th is control and maintaining quality is a challenge facing the company. Various companies supply its product components. These include; Texas Instruments, Phillips and Samsung. Some of these suppliers have expressed concern over Jobs’ controlling nature (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). Maintaining a balance between quality controls and good relationships with suppliers is a major challenge for the company.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apple’s innovative ability has always been the hallmark of its success. It produces attractive pieces which competitors keep reproducing (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). The challenge to Apple is maintaining these abilities. Remaining innovative helps to keep its products unique and different from its competitors. As it expands globally, keeping its innovations secret will be another challenge. Information on designs and other importa nt details may leak from its factories worldwide. Apple’s traditional clients were technology savvy fanatics. Its customer base has widened with an increase in its products. Some of its products aim at specific consumer groups such as students (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). Marketing to these diverse markets and meeting their expectations is going to be a huge challenge. Eye-catching marketing ads have always been associated with Apple. With a wider and varied customer base, the company needs to remain relevant. Satisfying a varied customer base is not going to be easy for Apple. There are customers who prefer products that are compatible with different devices. Apple has always preferred services that are only compatible with its products. Meeting these expectations require a change of tactics. The company is expanding globally (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). This will require a professional team to handle the increased exposure. It will also need to create and maintain good relati onships with all the stakeholders. This is a significant challenge for Apple. This is because it has always relied on Steve Jobs for this. It needs other faces to show passion for the brand and boost its popularity. Jobs could not do it alone after the expansion. There should be a succession plan in place. Measuring company success There are various ways by which a company’s success can be measured. Accounting measures are popular methods of measuring company success along financial lines. These include; profitability, return of assets and return on equity ratios among others.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They give a snapshot of the financial status of a company. Data that can be quantified is used in this method. The problem is that these methods do not take qualitative data into account. A company’s succ ess is only measured in financial aspects (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2010). Using a balanced scorecard can give a balanced assessment of a company’s success. Accounting measures are applied alongside three other measures. This method considers different perspectives. These are; the internal processes, accounting measures, learning and growth, and customer perspectives. By considering both qualitative and quantitative data, one gets a balanced analysis s of the company. The balanced scorecard reveals the weaknesses and strengths of a company. This measure is similar to the triple bottom line method of measuring company success. When applying the triple bottom line, one considers both the environmental and social successes of the company (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2010). Benchmarking focuses on the current success of a company in different aspects. It also looks at ways of improving or maintaining that success. Significant factors affecting a company’s success are identi fied. These are then measured and used as a yardstick. The company must aim at meeting and surpassing these measures. Customer satisfaction, return on assets, profitability and return on equity are commonly used as benchmarks. Internal and external environmental factors affecting Apple’s future A company’s future significantly depends on its competitive advantage in the market (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2010). This is heavily influenced by factors in its internal and external environment. Apple has a rich well of resources, both tangible and intangible. The company’s wealth, however, lies in its intangible resources. Apple’s employees have a knack for innovative designs. Its CEO-Steve Jobs is a good example of an innovative mind within Apple. He has been the brain behind many of its innovations. The company’s brand is another internal resource. It is associated with attractive, high quality devices (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). It has also created a network of good relationships with other players in the industry. This has enabled it to make agreements with music record companies and movie makers.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These partnerships have been the bedrock of iTunes’s success. The personal qualities of Steve Jobs have helped the company to maintain a good public image. He has also helped to maintain good relations between the company and its customers. Apple’s internal capabilities are in advertising, production and marketing. It produces products that cater for its diverse markets. Its creative adverts and marketing strategies reward it with high sales. Its core competence is innovation. The company comes up with new technology and devices regularly. This gives it a healthy competitive edge over its competitors (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). In the external environment, a variety of factors are likely to affect Apple’s future strategies and success. The digital media industry that Apple has ventured into is fiercely competitive. Entry barriers are low. The capital required is not prohibitive and many firms with resources can easily invest. ITunes, iPod and the iPhone face sti ff competition from new and existing entrants in the market (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). The future of Apple depends on how well it maintains its competitive advantage. Apple’s products face competition from cheaper brands. Its customers have easy access to products that can substitute Apple’s products. Its competitors, who produce and sell similar products at a cheaper price, threaten Apple’s dominance. Global markets such as Japan are saturated with competitors. Apple has found it hard to penetrate this market because local manufacturers have a strong hold over it (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). Its operations are affected by copyright laws. It sells protected material on iTunes (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). It, therefore, has to protect these products from copyright violations. This is a significant factor in the arrangements it makes with music records and movie companies. Technological advancements also affect Apple’s business significantly. As technology c hanges, it has to be innovative to remain relevant. Consumers want the latest technological devices. Its survival depends on how well it keeps pace with changes in technology. Apple’s strategy in the face of rivalry Apple’s marketing and innovative strategies make it a leader in the industry. It consistently produces innovative products whose popularity is unrivaled in the industry. Though similar products exist, they do not match apple in quality. Apple’s customers have become accustomed to superior experiences (Chapman Hoskisson, 2012). However, the incompatibility of its services with other products could be its undoing. Competitors such as Microsoft and Samsung manufacture products that are compatible with many devices. The company’s advertising and marketing strategies maintain its competitiveness. It operates its own outlets that increase its products’ exposure. Apple’s strategies have fared favorably even with fierce rivalry within t he industry. Recommendations The popularity of the iPhone and other products exposes Apple to increased malware threats. The company should increase the security of its products. Assuring customers of the safety of their devices will maintain customer confidence. As the company enters the music industry, it should maintain the core values of the Apple brand. Innovative, high quality products should be maintained. Customers’ expectations of the Apple brand should be satisfied even in new markets. Current products; phones, iPods computers and other should be updated. This will differentiate them from the competing products. It will also ensure that they remain relevant as technology changes. The company should craft a succession plan. It relies significantly on Steve Jobs for its public image. He is Mr. â€Å"fix it† when things go wrong. The company should groom other persons for the role. The press and other stakeholders should have other faces to associate the brand w ith. Apple has a reputation of concentrating on its customers and not on competitors. This is a good strategy as the company establishes an intimate bond with them. It learns what customers prefer and focuses on satisfying them. However, the competition it faces is increasing by the day. It faces threats not only from established companies but also startups. It should pay more attention to competitors without becoming obsessed with them. As the company seeks to partner with different companies, it should not lose its control over quality. These partnerships are necessary in its global expansion plant. As it grows big, it may lose its original strengths. It should guard against this to maintain customer loyalty. References Chapman, R Hoskisson, R (2012), Apple Computer Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business  While Introducing iPhone, Case Study. Hitt, M , Ireland, R Hoskisson, R (2010), Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, South Western Ed ucational Publishing, Sydney. Meyer, C (2010), 7 Challenges Facing Apple after Surpassing Microsoft’s Market Cap,  Retrieved from This case study on Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business was written and submitted by user Santiago Stein to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ryan Newman Racing essays

Ryan Newman Racing essays 1. How does Ryan Newman's passion for racing affect his NASCAR team? NASCAR driver Ryan Newman has been racing cars since the age of 4 1/2, and he combines a passion for racing with sound management skills. He has been racing for the Penske Racing Team since 2000, and with a degree in vehicle structure engineering, he understands the nuances of a racecar, making him an even more valuable team member. His Web site notes, "Newmans degree made him and then crew chief Matt Borland the first driver-engineer/crew chief-engineer combination in NASCAR history" ("About Ryan," 2008). His passion and knowledge seem to affect his team in very positive ways. For example, he understands vehicle engineering, so he has a close bond with the crew chief and the car's engineers, and because he understands the engineering, he can spot when there are problems with the car, and suggest solutions. A passion like Newman's has to rub off on the team and most of the team members are passionate about NASCAR racing too, or they would not be on the team, and so, Newman's p assion infects others and creates more passion and teamwork throughout the team. 2. What is the link between Newman's defeats and the success of his racing team? Newman's team has a long history in racing. The Penske name is one of the most well known teams in racing, and one of the most successful. For example, "The Alltel pit crew also earned the inaugural Checkers/Rally's Double Drive-Thru Challenge for spending the least amount of time on pit road throughout the season" ("About Ryan," 2008). They won the pit crew championships in 2007, as well, indicating that they are well rehearsed and efficient in their pit crew duties. Newman has won numerous awards for his racing skills, but some years, his victories number only one or two. It seems as if his defeats lead to a more concerted effort to make the car perform better, and it makes the team more aggressive in the car's...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Judaism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Judaism - Research Paper Example It would not be an exaggeration to point out that the human civilization possesses a considerable number of peculiarities that make it a rather unique formation. Indeed, while it is quite easy to point out things like generating verbal interaction, there is not doubt that they reflect only superficial differences. On a much deeper level the mankind might be defined by other aspect, one of which is highly developed spiritual world. This paper will analyze a particular religion, namely Judaism, focusing on different its elements. First of all, it would be rather advantageous to provide a general description of this spiritual tradition. Thus, Judaism, may be viewed in different aspects which does not make it a religion in a strict sense of the word. On the one hand, it is a set of philosophic as well as ethical principles that might be adopted by a person who considers them to be correct (the religious aspect of it); on the other hand, it is closely connected to the development of the Jews as a nation, making it an irreplaceable part of their lifestyle and national identity (the ethnic aspect). Judaism is a monotheistic religion that belongs to the group of the so called Abrahamic religions (Hughes 11). It may quite important to point out the sacred texts that Judaism is based on.