Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Commercial banks Essay Example for Free

Business banks Essay Theoretical This report depends on corporate social duty. This undertaking report contains the importance of CSR which incorporates the benefit of CSR towards bank, society, obligation of corporate houses, target of CSR, thought process of CSR, duty towards client. This archive is about multidimensional development of clients for which the bank subject for their administration selling. This procedure prompts upliftment of individuals life. The banks are not tie to do as such however the do these sort of exercises for making an altruism sense among their client which prompts development in way of life of the general society. This gives better condition to the general public in which the bank is working. Consequently, the current examination named â€Å"A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS CUSTOMERS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN MADURAI†, has expected more noteworthy criticalness. Presentation Corporate social obligation ( CSR, likewise called corporate heart, corporate citizenship, social execution, or maintainable mindful business/Responsible Business) is a type of corporate self-guideline incorporated into a plan of action. CSR strategy capacities as an inherent, self-guideline component whereby a business screens and guarantees its dynamic consistence with the actual intent of the law, moral gauges, and universal standards. CSR is a procedure with mean to grasp duty regarding the banks activities and energize a positive effect through its exercises on the earth, purchasers, workers, networks, partners and every single other individual from the open circle who may likewise be considered as partners. Articulation OF THE PROBLEM Banks assume a functioning job for the financial advancement of any nation. In a present serious condition bank needs to hold its client for powerful improvement in any area. Thus there emerges requirement for corporate social duty then just it will prompts improvement of society just as development in bank part. The current examination intends to know the adequacy of CSR in business manages an account with exceptional reference to Madurai. In this setting following inquiries emerges. To gauge the degree of social commitment To quantify the degree of viability of corporate social duty towards clients of business banks. Destinations OF THE STUDY: To contemplate the adequacy of corporate social obligation towards clients of business banks. System The current investigation is an observational one dependent on the study technique. Direct information was gathered from the field through meeting plan. Information identifying with different clients of business banks in Madurai was assembled through meeting plan. The timetable organized was widely pretested. The study imagined the use of accommodation inspecting. In this manner an example of 300 respondents was settled on nature of the business banks in Madurai. The review was led during 2012-2013 in business banks from state Bank of India, Indian bank, Canara Bank, Karurvysya bank, HDFC bank, Axis bank, ICICI bank in Madurai. Investigation INTERPRETATION GARRET RANKING Garret Ranking is utilized to discover the positioning for respondents supposition towards the improving client esteem for open part, private division, and New age banks. Step I: Ranking offered by respondents input on upgrading client esteem TABLE 1 Positioning OF RESPONDENTS supposition towards improving client esteem. S.No.AttributesRankTotal 12345 1.Sharing bank details1866231129300 2.Comfortable0120524880300 3.Time management00018282300 4.Man management1515765270300 5.Filling forms22120539213300 Source: Primary Data Step II : The allocated positions by the respondents were changed over into percent position an incentive by the equation given beneath. For every percent position, Using Garrett’s table, relating Garrett’s table worth is gotten. Equation Percent Position = 100 (Rij †0.5)/Nj Rij = Rank given for the ith variable by the jth respondent Nj = Number of factors positioned by the jth respondent. GARRETT’S TABLE VALUE RanksCalculationPercentageGarrett’s Table Value I Rank=100*(1-0.5)/5= 10= 75 II Rank=100*(2-0.5)/5= 30= 60 III Rank=100*(3-0.5)/5= 50= 50 IV Rank=100*(4-0.5)/5= 70= 40 V Rank=100*(5-0.5)/5= 90= 25 Source: Computed information. Step III: Scores are acquired concerning Garrett’s Table worth, and every rate position esteem is changed over into scores. Here each totaled positions are duplicated with comparing the Garrett’s esteem got in the table. Accumulated RANKS Sl. No.AttributesRank 12345 1.Sharing bank details1395037201550840225 2.Comfortable07200260033602000 3.Time management00012607050 4.Man management113253420325018900 5.Filling forms1650720026506440325 Source: Computed information. Step IV: Summation of the scores is worked out for each position section and means scores determined by partitioning the all out score by the quantity of respondents. At last, by and large positioning is gotten by doling out positions 1, 2, 3 †¦ in the diving request of mean score. Generally speaking RANKING for respondents feeling on improving client esteem S. No.ReasonTotal ScoreAverageRank 1.Sharing bank details2028567.6I 2.Comfortable1526050.53IV 3.Time management831027.7V 4.Man management1988566.28II 5.Filling forms1826560.89III Induction It is seen from the table Sharing bank details† has been positioned as the first for the Man the board has been positioned second, Filling structures third position, trailed by Comfortable in fourth position with Time the executives positioned as the fifth that impacts the respondents feeling on improving client esteem the in bank’s End In spite of the fact that making consumer loyalty is definitely not a prime inspiration for organizing corporate social Responsibility programs , research connecting CSR procedures with positive client results, for example, steadfastness, has prompted the desire that these systems for the most part have positive stream on impacts for clients. Banking industry overviews have prompted the recognizable proof of a confound between customer fulfillment levels and enormous spending on CSR programs. Further examination is justified. Taking into account research proposing that retail banking clients lean toward activities that make direct client benefits contrasted with those that have more extensive social effects. To finish up the CSR exercises in all the three investigation banks are not successful. It is appropriate time on their to advance CSR related exercises.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Gift Of The Magi A Continuation free essay sample

Exposition, Research Paper THE GIFT OF THE MAGI It was one hebdomad from Della? s thirtieth birthday celebration and Jim didn? Ts have satisfactory cash to buy her a present. ? All things considered, ? Jim thought, ? in the event that I wear? Ts have a ticker so for what reason would it be advisable for me to have a link for one? ? Along these lines, he sold his ticker connection so as to hold cash for Della? s these days. ? Presently, what do I buy Della? ? he asked himself. ? I think I? ll go to the swap meet and articulation for something, since one little corroded old connection won? T buy me extremely much, ? Jim expressed as he began siting his bicycle to the market. At the market Jim discovered numerous things, some actually sensibly and costly, some actually sensibly and modest, and some just plain appalling things that had been at that place for a little while and ever would be until they were in the long run misled. ? Omigosh, is that DDDDeeDDDe # 8230 ; ? ? Jim faltered in awe. Be what he had seen existent? Or on the other hand would he say he was simply jumping to choices? Was that genuinely the hair that Della had sold simply 2 mature ages prior? It was, and Jim imagined that Della would potentially like it back, so he got it for 2 pennies and he was so upbeat and he thought he had the best present anybody could ever give their better half. ? Presently, ? Jim thought, ? will this be an utile blessing, and I wear? t mean in a couple of mature ages, this clasp I need to procure it right, ? So Jim thought for two yearss straightforwardly. At last he concocted an idea, ? I? ll do it into a wig, a miss can neer hold to numerous wigs. ? So he went to the wig store, which ordinarily only made those white meshed wigs that all the of import work powers wore, however the wigmaker made an avoidance in light of the fact that Jim was an old buddy and all things considered, it was for a misss birthday. The wigmaker asked, ? Is it accurate to say that you are sure Della will wish this present, I mean it is rather lopsided, and Della? s hair has just developed twice every piece long as this. Be that as it may, wear? T gain me wrong, I? m non trying to be uncouth, I mean, great I think I? ll simply procure began this wig directly off, OK, bye. ? So Jim left, accepting that the wigmaker was a little out of his head that twenty-four hours. The accompanying twenty-four hours, which was the twenty-four hours before Della? s birthday, the wigmaker called Jim. ? Hi, Umm, did you want this wig colored, or left red? What's more, I can? t do a wig that fits except if Della? s caput is estimated, what will you never really out without inspiring her instincts? ? Jim addressed flimsily, ? Well I surmise I? ll simply need to that? s all, and of class non, Don? T you dare color that wonderful shade of hair, it? s the prettiest I? ve ever observed. ? The wigmaker answered, ? Alright, however I despite everything need to cognize her caput size actually in a matter of seconds so as to finish the chapeau, are you sure you like that shading? ? ? I? m non inept, what I state I need is the thing that I need. Presently, I will pass on the measurings over each piece in no time as I get them, ? Jim answered discourteously. ? Della, ? Jim answered, winded from running all the way to the shop and dorsum to buy a tape step, ? I request to procure your measurings for something, would you be able to come here? ? Della obeys accepting potentially another dress as a these days. ? What estimations do you require, nectar? ? Della replied in her best voice. Jim said? I have to procure your caput size for something, that? s all. ? ? All things considered, Okay, ? Della answered amazed from the start, thus understood that she must gain a chapeau for her birthday. Along these lines at the wig store. ? There, it? s all completed ; make you like it Jim? ? asked the wigmaker. Jim stated, ? It? s incredible, wear? t you think? You wear? t articulation to secure with it? ? The wigmaker answered, lying, ? It? s extraordinary, after all it? s the thought that matters, isn't that so? . ? ? Certain thing Phil, great, g otta travel, tomorrow? s Della? s birthday, are you venturing out to be at that place? ? ? Certain Jim, I? ll be there. ? Said the wigmaker. It is Della? s birthday, all of Jim and Della? s companions are at their place, and she starts to open nowadayss. She will be opening Jim? s these days first. ? I wonder what it could be? ? Della claims, rather blissfully. She loosens the string, cautiously fixes the aureate wrapper paper, opens the case, and simple takes out the tissue paper, piece by piece. ? I? m really left, ? she says as the principal piece buoys to the floor. ? I can scarcely pause, I realize it will be incredible, ? she says as the second tissue is lifted up. ? This is the last one, it? s it? s # 8230 ; # 8230 ; # 8230 ; it? s a wig! ! ! ? Della cries so anyone might hear and agitate. ? It is simply a bit of foul old hair, more terrible yet it? s individual else? s who could hold sources. How challenging you, you, you? Jim yells back, so as to be heard by the blast of Della, ? My Sweet, it? s your extremely ain hair, the hair wherein you trim off to buy me a Christmas these days, doesn? T that mean anything to you? Furthermore, I thought it was the possibility that tallied. ? Be that as it may, Della was to disturbed to tune in to ground. She yelled at him, ? I detest you, I really loathe you. How challenging you give me a useless shred, obtain off from me, I neer need to see you again, I? m pressing and go forthing tomorrow! ? As she got done with talking she ran into her resting room, bolted the entryway, and dropped onto her bed, yelling her eyes out. Della left the accompanying twenty-four hours, non in any event, expressing farewell to Jim. Jim was grief stricken. He got off out of disgrace for being so dum. For the accompanying 30 mature ages he kept the wig, which had been tossed back in his face by his dearest, and he grieved his misfortune. He pledged that on the off chance that he could ever se Della again, he could do up for his ineptitude. It is 34 mature ages after Della left Jim. Jim had aforesaid been going the state, lastly settled in Della? s place town, believing that some time or another she too much would return. Fortunate for him, she returned, for her 64th birthday. She needed to pass it with her sibling, David, and his family unit. David and Jim had been companions ever since they met when Della and Jim began seeing one another. David is the manner by which Jim had been keeping up beware of where Della was. At this point, Della was old, dark, with short monstrous hair. On Della? s birthday, Jim appeared, with the wig covering in a container. Della opened the entryway and solidified, staggered. ? Jim, it, it? s been for such a long time, what are you doing here? ? Della asked shakily. Jim answered, ? All things considered, I have neer overlooked you Della, I despite everything love you and trust you could pardon me. ? ? All things considered, I shouldn? Ts have been as savage to you as I seemed to be, yet at the same time, that was a dum move, ? Della said. Jim expressed conciliatory, ? It was an idiotic these days things being what they are, however would you take it now? It kinda fits the situation better Wear? T you think? However, I am non hinting that you look terrible now, If I gave you this I wouldn? T need you to have on it if your simply around me on the off chance that you didn? T privation, since I wear? t think you? ve transformed the slightest bit. ? Jim says, taking the container from behind him and passing it to Della. She opens it, and it? s the old wig, however cleaned and prepped of class. Della stammers, ? I, I, I wear? T realize what to state. I love it, and it? s valid with me other than. I have neer adored any other person in any case, you. ? Jim asks, ? Della, will you get hitched me? ? ? Indeed, goodness truly, of class I will get hitched you. ? Della says as she puts on the old wig. Della and Jim lived happily ever after, until 2 mature ages consequently when the two of them kicked the bucket together in a dreadful auto bang.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Jekyll and Hyde Essay Introduction and Para 1

I will compose an exposition on Robert Louis Stevenson’s heavenly story, the abnormal instance of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which was the motivation for heaps of present day films indicating double nature of humankind e. g. The Hulk, Two Face and The Nutty Professor to give some examples. The story is told for the most part in third individual by Mr Utterson the attorney, it is about the researcher Dr Jekyll and his â€Å"friend†, the loathed Mr Hyde. Utterson suspects that Hyde might be paying off Jekyll when Jekyll changes his will to one where in case of his demise all his cash and his home will be given to Hyde. Anyway when Hyde vanishes after mercilessly killing the exceptionally regarded Sir Danvers Carew, Utterson is satisfied, yet when Jekyll begins acting bizarre and won't leave the limits of his cupboard Utterson gets stressed and after Jekyll turns into a hermit and starts setting peculiar expectations in a voice that isn't his own, Jekyll’s steward and Utterson separate the doctor’s entryway to discover Hyde lying dead on the floor from evident self destruction. The story is later clarified in the novella through the declaration of Dr Lanyon, in which he uncovers that he saw a change of Hyde to Jekyll and afterward clarified in more detail by Jekyll. For reasons unknown, Hyde was the aftereffect of one of Dr Jekyll’s tests, where by drinking the ‘transforming draught’ he turns into the despised character who was simply the direct inverse of his standard thing. After some time Jekyll ended up changing without drinking the elixir, and when the medication ran out he got caught as Hyde. After drinking the absolute last of the medication Jekyll composes, ‘I bring the life of that miserable Henry Jekyll to an end’. I thought this book was fascinating and would prescribe it to all. This tale is about the double idea of humankind. Stevenson accepted that each individual had a decent and terrible side to them. The book says a great deal regarding Victorian culture as they were completely intended to be awesome individuals however heaps of them were degenerate inside. The characters inside this novel show his hypothesis about this well overall. For instance Jekyll is an all around regarded man, who was ‘born to a huge fortune’ and ‘fond of regard of the astute and great among my individual men†¦ with each assurance of a respectable and recognized future’. Like the vast majority in Victorian culture Dr Jekyll was fixated on regard and he likewise had a shrewd side to him. He despised doing â€Å"evil† things, for example, betting and drinking so much that he chose to make an elixir to part his character in two. At the point when he previously became Hyde, the shrewd side of his character he felt ‘younger, lighter and more joyful in body’ which is on the grounds that his detestable side would not be as evolved as his great side as he has accomplished more great than insidious in his life. He delighted in being Hyde in light of the fact that he could do fiendish things without outcome or individuals discovering, or so he thought. He believed he didn't have to feel regretful about the things he had done as they in fact weren’t him.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Alexander the Great - One Of The Best Leaders - Free Essay Example

Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia in a Greek kingdom. As a kid, he was taught a variety of subjects such as government, philosophy, and poetry from Aristotle. Learning these subjects as a young child helped Alexander conquer nations later in his life. Alexander led his military into numerous victories and never accepted defeat once. Alexander defeated the Persians even while being outnumbered after he continued his victories in Afghanistan and India. Alexander the Great had a great behavior toward leadership, he led his military to many victories with a purpose and common stake which made him team management. He was people focused and focused on long-term goals making him a transformation leader. He carried the situational leadership trait due to his actions. And finally, Alexander contained many different adaptive leadership traits which resulted in him being such a successful man. Alexander was a team manager because of his success in conquering and defeating countries. He accomplished the perfect military by having committed troops. He earned his followers trust and respect by showing them that the mission was not just about himself and provided self-care to his army. He did not tolerate raping, stealing, or using violence toward one another. This didnt only make his army respect him as a leader, but it allowed each troop to respect one another. Alexander also allowed his men to believe in their own religion and had different religious groups. This was a cause of everyone building relationships and had a beneficial outcome of respect. He also demonstrated team manager leadership characteristics by being inspiring and addressing his troops to a problem before it was yet to happen. Alexander and his military were all on the same page and knew the main purpose, which was spreading the Greek culture. Alexander the Great, in my opinion, was in between transactional leadership and transformational leadership. I say this because he was very task focused and success was awarded, but he was also very people focused and focused on long-term goals. However, Alexander was mostly a transformational leader in the end. He was a transformation leader for many reasons, one being that he was people focused. He would take care of his troops and be sure that they were well fed and healthy. He also would not allow rape, stealing, or violence with each other. He was also very inspiring, he knew by inspiring his troops and giving them the motivation needed that they would follow him. Alexander and his military were focused on long-term goals, which was conquering the middle east and spreading the Greek culture, he was also set on contacting the west and east to increase trade and sharing ideas. Alexander was able to develop relationships with the idea of free religion. He contained many great attri butes which resulted in Alexander in being a transformational leader. Alexander was a situation leader because he focused on two main things, Task behavior and relationship behavior. He developed a relationship with his men by putting himself through the same pain everyone else was going through. As an example, they were traveling through the desert and everyone was suffering from thirst. All the troops gathered the last of the water they had and gave it to Alexander. He got the water and threw it into the sand. He did this to show his men that he was going to suffer with them and he was going to go through the same pain as everyone else. This created a strong relationship and gave them confidence. He also provided emotional support to his men. He would always address the problem to his troops beforehand or before it escalated. Alexander contained many different adaptive leadership characteristics. He was very confident in himself and in his military. While leading his troops into Persia he knew that they were outnumbered, and the odds were against him. But because he was confident in his army they pushed forward and resulted in a surprising victory. He was also very driven, Alexander had the will to conquer and defeat many different countries and spread the Greek culture. He showed tolerance by allowing his troops to have a freedom of religion. He demonstrated self-awareness because at times he knew that his army was outnumbered, and he was lacking men, but he knew they were stronger and more proficient than any other army. He was very much a risk taker because he insisted in traveling even while him and his men were hurting of thirst and hunger, also because he battled the Persians when he could have easily lost the battle because of the lack of troops compared to Persia. He was a great communicator and m ade sure everyone knew the plan and what was happening. By never losing a battle and always coming out with a victorious win he showed that he was tactically and technically proficient. After all it is easy to see how Alexander the Great was one of the best leaders in history. He was proficient in leading his armies to countless victories and never allowing defeat to cross his path. He demonstrated the leader characteristics needed to become this successful. He was also very adaptive and didnt let obstacles become an issue that most people would. Alexander wasnt just known for his victories in conquering countries, but also known for taking care of his men and earning respect, this is what made Alexander the Great go down in history as one of the be military leaders this world has seen.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to BPA

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical widely used in common plastic products, such as baby bottles, children’s toys, and the linings of most food and beverage cans. Many scientific studies—including the largest study of BPA ever conducted on humans—have found links between BPA and serious health problems, from heart disease, diabetes, and liver abnormalities in adults to developmental problems in the brains and hormonal systems of children. Recent studies have documented negative health consequences, while others find no ill effects. Endocrine disruptors are notoriously difficult to study, as they may be more dangerous at very low doses than at higher doses. Depending on your tolerance for risk, you might want to minimize your exposure to BPA. Given the wide use of BPA in so many products we encounter every day, it is probably impossible to completely eliminate your exposure to this potentially harmful chemical. Still, you can lower your exposure—and your risk of possible health problems associated with BPA—by taking a few simple precautions. In 2007, the Environmental Working Group hired an independent laboratory to conduct an analysis of BPA in many different canned foods and beverages. The study found that the amount of BPA in canned food varies widely. Chicken soup, infant formula, and ravioli had the highest concentrations of BPA, for example, while condensed milk, soda, and canned fruit contained much less of the chemical. Here are a few tips to help you lower your exposure to BPA. Eat Fewer Canned Foods The easiest way to lower your intake of BPA is to stop eating so many foods that come into contact with the chemical. Eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, which usually have more nutrients and fewer preservatives than canned foods, and taste better, too. Choose Cardboard and Glass Containers Over Cans Highly acidic foods, such as tomato sauce and canned pasta, leach more BPA from the lining of cans, so it’s best to choose brands that come in glass containers. Soups, juices, and other foods packaged in cardboard cartons made of layers of aluminum and polyethylene plastic (labeled with a number 2 recycling code) are safer than cans with plastic linings containing BPA. Do Not Microwave Polycarbonate Plastic Food Containers Polycarbonate plastic, which is used in packaging for many microwaveable foods, may break down at high temperatures and release BPA. Although manufacturers are not required to say whether a product contains BPA, polycarbonate containers that do are usually marked with a number 7 recycling code on the bottom of the package. Choose Plastic or Glass Bottles for Beverages Canned juice and soda often contain some BPA, especially if they come in cans lined with BPA-laden plastic. Glass or plastic bottles are safer choices. For portable water bottles, glass and stainless steel are best, but most recyclable plastic water bottles do not contain BPA. Plastic bottles with BPA are usually marked with a number 7 recycling code. Turn Down the Heat To avoid BPA in your hot foods and liquids, switch to glass or porcelain containers, or stainless steel containers without plastic liners. Use Baby Bottles That Are BPA-Free As a general rule, hard, clear plastic contains BPA while soft or cloudy plastic does not. Most major manufacturers now offer baby bottles made without BPA. However, a recent study published in the journal Endocrinology evaluated an alternative plastic compound (BPS) used in products labeled as BPA-free, and unfortunately, it also was found to create significant hormonal disruptions in a fish species. Further studies are needed to determine how concerned we should be for the effects on human health. Use Powdered Infant Formula Instead of Pre-mixed Liquid A study by the Environmental Working Group found that liquid formulas contain more BPA than powdered versions. Practice Moderation The fewer canned foods and beverages you consume, the less your exposure to BPA, but you don’t have to cut out canned foods altogether to reduce your exposure and lower your potential health risks. In addition to eating less canned food overall, limit your intake of canned foods that are high in BPA.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Broader Social Context - 719 Words

Question: What are the major components in sociology to see the broader social context? Social Context: In order to see the broader social context we must need to understand first what social context actually is? Social context is the indirect and direct influence of individuals that are in constant communication. It is basically a social environment in which people of different type lives. This environment influences the life of an individual and tells us how these people are influenced by their society i-e. a group of people sharing a same culture, tradition, religion or territory. It is all about how people of different classification differ from each other. Broader Social Context: To see the broader side of the social†¦show more content†¦They act and react on situations in a very different manner from each other. If one thinks he is right then the other one tries to prove him wrong and make himself right. For instance, a little boy wants to play on the road side and his parents forbid him to do so, he will start thinking that his parents are his foes and they don’t like to see him playing but that same kid will react in the same manner when he would become a parent himself. That is howShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Human Behavior By Placing It Within It Broader Social Context2120 Words   |  9 Pages 1. Sociological Perspective/pg.3: â€Å"understanding human behavior by placing it within it broader social context.† So far in the video you see how the gang and how they come about and form basically a Society (â€Å"people who share a culture and a territory†) The video shows mostly immigrants being the big population of these gangs, marking territory, and rounding up people to be in this culture with them. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business free essay sample

Now suppose the government imposes a per unit sales tax of 20 pence per kilogram in the butter market. What are the implications for the market equilibrium price and quantity? [Tutors: Please start by drawing a diagram to show the impact of the tax and the compute the new equilibrium. The post-tax price paid by consumers is computed by recognising that the consumer and producer prices are different. We can thus restate the demand and supply functions for butter as: Qd = 20 – 0. 05Pc Qs = – 10 + 0. 20Ps , where Ps is the price suppliers receive and Pc is the price paid by consumers. The tax drives a wedge between the price consumers pay and the price suppliers receive, such that t = Pc – Ps. If we substitute Ps = Pc t into the supply equation we obtain: Qs = – 10 + 0. 20(Pc t) , If we set demand equal to supply we have: 20 – 0. 05Pc = -10 + 0. 2(Pc – t) Hence: Pc = (30 + 0. 20? 20)/0. 25 = 136. Thus, the post-tax price is ? 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Business or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 36 per kilogram. Substituting the price into demand (it could also have been substituted into the supply function), we can compute the post-tax equilibrium quantity: Qd = 20 – 0. 05? 136 = 13. 2 thousand kilograms of butter per day. The price received by suppliers is given by Ps = Pc – t = 136 – 20 = 116. (b) Who incurs the greater burden of the tax – consumers or producers? We know that the pre-tax price was ? 1. 20. After the tax, the consumer pays 16 pence more and the supplier receives 4 pence less. The consumer burdens 80% of the tax and the producer only 20%. (c) Compute and interpret the deadweight loss of taxation in this market. (Note: the deadweight loss is also known as the excess burden) The upper triangle is [1. 36 – 1. 20]? 0. 5? [14-13. 2] = ? 0. 064 thousand or ? 64 per day. The lower triangle is [1. 20 – 1. 16]? 0. 5? [14-13. 2] = ? 0. 016 thousand or ? 16 per day. The overall tax take per day is 0. 2? 13. 2 = ? 2. 64 thousand or ? 2640 per day. The deadweight losses or the excess burden of taxation represents only ? 80 per day or 3% of the tax revenue. The small excess burden of taxation in this case is due to the inelastic demand for butter and its corresponding inelastic supply. 2. An economics lecturer is considering leaving the University of Sussex and opening a consultancy business. For his services as a consultant he would be paid ? 5,000 per annum. To establish the business the lecturer must convert into an office a house he currently owns and from which he collects rents of ? 1000 per month. He must hire a secretary at a salary of ? 20,000 per year and must withdraw ? 10,000 from his 10% per annum fixed rate savings account to use for miscellaneous expenses. The University of Sussex pays the economics lecturer ? 35,000 per year. On the basis of a purely economic analysis, do you predict that the economics lecturer will leave the University to start up his own business? In other words output continues to rise but at a diminishing rate. Remember that output initially increases at an increasing rate, then increases at a decreasing rate, then may decrease. In the first phase the MP is rising but when more of the variable input is added to the fixed factor the rate of increase in output starts to fall and this is where the MP starts to fall and the law of diminishing returns sets in. If output actually declines as more of the variable input is added to the fixed factor, the MP must be negative. b) Property taxes, building insurance payments and depreciation of plant and equipment are fixed costs. True. These are all costs that do not vary with output and so are fixed costs. (c) The opportunity cost refers to the cost that a firm incurs to retain the use of the input for the firm. True. These are the implicit costs a firm incurs to retain its inputs. (d) If long-run total costs rise faster than output then we have the case of increasing returns to scale. False. If total costs are rising faster than output it must mean that average costs are rising. This is not the case of increasing returns to scale (or economies of scale) but of decreasing returns to scale (or diseconomies of scale). (e) Diminishing returns and decreasing returns to scale are different ways of saying the same thing. False. This is a common fallacy. There is no direct relationship between the concept of diminishing returns and the concept of returns to scale. The former (diminishing returns) represents a short-run concept where certain factors are held fixed and the latter (decreasing returns to scale) represents a long-run concept where all inputs are allowed to vary. If marginal cost is above the average cost, the average cost must be falling. False if MC is above AC, then AC must be rising. If the marginal cost is above the average cost then each additional unit produced is adding a cost to the firm that is above the average. If you add a number to the average that is greater than the average, the average must rise. For instance, the average of the following sequence 2,4,6 is 4. If we add 8 to this sequence, the marginal number, and take the average we obtain 5. Conversely, if we add 2 to this sequence we get an average of 3. 5. Business free essay sample The Woodson Foundation, a large nonprofit social service agency is teaming up with the public school system in Washington D. C. to improve student outcomes. There’s ample room for improvement. The schools have problems with truancy, low student performance, and crime. New staff quickly burn out as their initial enthusiasm for helping students is blunted by the harsh realities they encounter in the classroom. Turnover among new teachers is very high, and many of the best and brightest are the most likely to leave for schools that aren’t as troubled. The Stags of Group Development for the Woodsom foundation in building a cohesive coalition The First Stage is bringing the new plan in development is forming an executive development committee or team with the help of Human Resource to choose the right candidates for the jobs. The Second Stage will be Storming which gives conflict towards each and individual group and creates doubts also each group have its own interests and some cases they can directly opposed to one another. We will write a custom essay sample on Business or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For this stage they have to be work as a team and leave all the intensive and doubtful behavior outside of the team. Then only this stage work The Third Stage will be Norming in this for the achieving the certain purpose the goals have set up to start the performance and the team has learn how to set aside your doubts and how to learn work productively together. Who will do what work and how it will be accomplished The Final but not the least is Performing this stage will give us the satisfaction when the actual team work together to achieving the goal set up by the organization, and all the productivity have been shows and achieved. The Group has stuck in the stages of Forming and Storming as they were not able to get over their own thought and was not able to fully synchronize to achieving the given goal to them. Identifying the Problems in Woodsom Foundation